4.6.14 Dielectric withstanding voltage (see 3.17). Connectors shall be tested in accordance with test
procedure EIA 364-20. The following details shall apply:
a. Special preparations or conditions.
(1) The maximum relative humidity shall be 50%. When facilities are not available at this test
condition, connectors shall be tested at room ambient relative humidity. In case of dispute, if
the test has been made at room ambient relative humidity, retest shall be made at 50%
maximum relative humidity.
(2) The center contact of plug connectors and receptacle connectors shall be positioned in such a
manner as to simulate actual assembly conditions.
(3) Precautions shall be taken to prevent air-gap voltage breakdowns.
(4) The voltage shall be metered on the high side of the transformer.
b. Magnitude of test voltage (see 3.1). The voltage shall be instantaneously applied.
c. Nature of potential: Alternating current.
d. Points of application of test voltage: Between the center contact and body.
and vibrated in accordance with test procedure EIA 364-28 condition III. The center and outer contacts
shall be connected to a suitable monitoring device. Suitable coaxial cable or wire, as applicable, using the
normal connecting devices of the connector and clamped as shown on figure 3, shall be used. At least
100 milliamperes shall be flowing through each set of contacts. Contacts may be connected in series.
The connector shall be mounted by its normal mounting device and engaged by its normal coupling
device. No safety wire shall be used. Cable to cable connectors may be held to the jig of figure 3
by a suitable clamp on one half of the connector assembly. The following conditions shall apply:
a. Test condition letter (see 3.1).
b. Continuity shall be monitored during vibration with a detector capable of detecting interruptions of
1 microsecond duration or longer, or as specified at 100 milliamperes.
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