MIL-DTL-28731F Specified pulse shock. Complete mated connectors shall be tested in accordance with test
procedure EIA-364-27, Condition G. All contacts shall be wired in series with appropriate size wire and
100 mA +10/ -0 of current maximum flowing through the test contacts. Wires shall be supported on a
stationary frame not closer than 12 inches from the connectors. The mated connectors shall be held
together only by the normal locking device. Strain relief shall be provided by the use of junction shells,
where applicable. There shall be 18 shocks, 3 in each direction in each of the three perpendicular planes.
4.7.8 Mating and unmating forces (connector assembly) (see 3.6.7). Connectors shall be tested in
accordance with test procedure EIA-364-13. Each connector with shields removed, if applicable, and a full
complement of contact shall be mated and unmated. The insertion and withdrawal force and torque,
applied gradually, shall be measured after 3 cycles.
4.7.9 Humidity (see 3.6.8). Unmated plugs and receptacles shall be tested in accordance with test
procedure EIA-364-31, Method IV; however, steps 7A and 7B are not required. No measurements are
required after initial conditioning, nor voltage applied to connectors during exposure. After completion of
step 6 of the final cycle, the connectors shall be removed from the chamber. Excess moisture shall be
shaken off surfaces. No mechanical wiping or forced drying shall be used. After the test, the following
measurements shall be taken:
a. Insulation resistance: Shall not be taken sooner than one-half and not later than 3 hours after
removal from the chamber. If a measurement taken early in the specified time period results in a
failure, the measurement may be taken once during the time period specified.
b. Dielectric withstanding voltage: See 4.7.4.
4.7.10 Durability (see 3.6.9). The complete connector assemblies shall be subjected to 200 cycles of
insertion and withdrawal at a rate not to exceed 100 cycles per hour. Tests shall be conducted using
normal engaging hardware. The insertion and withdrawals shall be accomplished similar to that which the
connectors shall be subjected to in service. After 200 cycles, the plug and receptacle assemblies shall be
4.7.11 Salt spray (corrosion) (see 3.6.10). The mated plugs and receptacles, along with 20 pairs of
contacts, mounted in accordance with figure 3, shall be tested in accordance with test procedure
EIA-364-26 condition B. Immediately after exposure, the connectors shall be unmated and the exterior
surfaces of the connectors and of the individual pairs of contacts shall be washed and dried for 12 hours
maximum in a circulating air oven at a temperature of 38°C ±3°C (100°F ±5°F). After drying, the
connectors shall be mated.
4.7.12 Contact resistance (see 3.6.11). Connectors shall be tested in accordance with test procedure
EIA-364-06. The potential drop across each mated pair of contacts shall be measured at rated current as
designated in table l. Potential drop readings shall be taken across the two points as shown on figure 4.
For adapter to crimp contacts, figure 5 shall be used.
4.7.13 Crimp tensile strength (crimp contact) (see 3.6.12). The test shall be performed in accordance
with test procedure EIA-364-08. Samples for test shall be placed in a standard tensile testing machine
and the load applied at an approximate rate of 1 inch (25.4 mm) per minute to pull the wire out of the
sample or break the wire sample (see table V).
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