TABLE II. Qualification inspection Continued.
1/ These tests to be performed only during initial qualification as long as the qualifying design and
manufacturing process has not been changed.
4.4 Conformance inspection.
4.4.1 Inspection of product for delivery. Inspection of product for delivery shall consist of groups A
and B inspection. Inspection lot. An inspection lot shall consist of all connectors of the same PIN produced
under essentially the same conditions, and offered for inspection at one time. Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the inspection specified in table III in
the order shown. Sampling plan (group A). Table III tests shall be performed on a production lot basis.
Samples shall be selected in accordance with table IV. If one or more defects are found, the lot shall
be screened for that particular defect and defective parts removed. A new sample of parts shall be
selected in accordance with table IV and all group A tests again performed. If one or more defects
are found in the second sample, the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this
specification. When defects have no effect on the use or performance of the subject parts, reworking
of the parts may be permitted upon approval of both the Preparing and Qualifying activities. Such
allowances are infrequent and only apply to particular circumstances..
TABLE III. Group A inspection.
Test method
Visual and mechanical examination
Finish 1/
Dissimilar metals
Configuration and features
See table IV
Mating (visual indication)
Dielectric withstanding voltage
Hermetic seal (pressurized
connectors only)
Leakage (pressurized connectors
1/ Verification of finish may be accomplished using the manufacturer's process controls providing these
controls are clearly equal to or more stringent than the requirements of this specification. Visual inspection (group A inspection). Each connector shall be visually examined for
completeness, workmanship, and identification requirements. Attention shall be given to those
assemblies that require a gasket to determine the condition of the gasket. Gaskets missing, twisted,
buckled, kinked, or damaged in any way shall be cause for rejection.
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