4.5 Conformance inspections.
4.5.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the visual and mechanical inspections
specified in table VII. The documentation requirements of EIA-364 do not apply.
TABLE VII. Group A inspection. 1/
Requirement paragraph
Test paragraph
Visual and mechanical examination 2/
Critical examination 2/ 3/
Insulation resistance at ambient temperature 2/ 3/ 4/
Dielectric withstanding voltage at sea level 2/ 3/ 4/
Electrical resistance 2/
1/ Contacts shipped with connectors shall be from lots that have met the requirements as
specified in SAE-AS39029.
2/ 100 percent inspection.
3/ The contractor may use in-process controls for this requirement.
4/ Test between adjacent contacts and between two peripheral contacts and the shell. Visual examination. Group A inspection. Each connector and accessory shall be visually
examined for completeness, workmanship, and identification requirements. Attention shall be given to
those assemblies that require a gasket to determine the condition of the gasket. Gaskets missing,
twisted, buckled, kinked, or damaged in any way shall be cause for rejection. Each connector shall be
visually inspected for the presence of compound between wire termination end of insert and shell. Critical examinations. Group A inspection. The following dimensions and features shown on
the pertinent military standard are considered critical.
a. Mating diameters (see 3.1) (maximum on plugs, minimum on receptacles).
b. Key or keyway positions.
c. Registration of grommet and insert markings (hole pattern between the grommet and the front face
of the insert). Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the inspections specified in table VIII in
the order shown and shall be made on sample units which have been subjected to and have passed the
group A inspection. For group B inspection, the documentation and standard test conditions of
EIA-364 do not apply. Sampling plan (group B inspection). A sample size shall be randomly selected as specified in
table IX. If one or more defects are found the lot shall be rescreened and defects removed. A new
sample as specified in table IX shall then be randomly selected. If one or more defects are found in the
second sample the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification.
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