In the event that no production occurred during the reporting period, a report shall be submitted certifying
that the company still has the capabilities and facilities necessary to produce the item. If during two
consecutive reporting periods there has been no production, the manufacturer may be required, at the
discretion of the qualifying activity, to submit the products (a representative product of each series, type,
and class, etc.) to testing in accordance with the qualification inspection requirements.
4.4.5 Qualification of contacts. Contacts supplied with MIL-DTL-25955 connectors must be qualified
for listing on the QPL for MIL-C-39029, except hermetics.
4.5 Conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Inspection lot. An inspection lot shall consist of all connectors covered by the same specification
sheets, produced under essentially the same conditions and offered for inspection at one time. In-
process controls, unrelated to lot sizes of finished connectors, may be used, provided an inspection
method equivalent to the actual testing level is maintained.
4.5.2 Group A inspection. Connectors shall be subjected to the individual tests shown in table VIII.
For group A inspection, the documentation and standard test conditions of EIA 364 do not apply.
TABLE VIII. Group A inspection (connectors).
Examination of product 1/,
Insulation resistance 1/ 2/ 3/
Dielectric withstanding voltage (sea level) 1/ 3/
Air leakage 1/ 3/
1/ One hundred percent inspection.
2/ Test between two adjacent contacts and between two peripheral contacts and the shell.
3/ The contractor may use in-process controls for this requirement. Visual examination. Each connector shall be visually examined for completeness,
workmanship, and identification requirements. Attention shall be given to those assemblies that require a
gasket to determine the condition of that gasket. Gaskets missing, twisted, buckled, kinked, or damaged
in any way shall be cause for rejection.
4.5.3 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in
table lX, in the order shown, and shall be made on sample units which have been subjected to, and have
passed the group A inspection. For group B inspection, the documentation and standard test conditions
of EIA 364 does not apply. Sampling plan. A sample size shall be randomly selected in accordance with table X. If one or
more defects are found, the lot shall be rescreened and defects removed. If one or more defects are
found, a new sample shall be randomly selected from table X. If one or more defects are found, the lot
shall not be supplied to this specification.
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