specified in SAE-AIR1351 or shall be that which has been provided to the qualifying activity. In so far as
is practical, the marking shall be readable after the connector is mounted on equipment. All letters and
numbers are a minimum of .046825 inch in height and shall be legible after any test sequence required by
this specification.
a. PIN example:
MS sheet
Class of connector
Shell size
Coupling type
Insert arrangement
Contact style
Polarizing positions
N is required for normal position
3.30 Change effectivity. Unless otherwise specified by the preparing activity and/or the qualifying
activity, all changes from the previous revision of MIL-DTL-26500 shall become effective within 90 days of
the date of publication of the latest revision. If unable to implement changes within the 90 day time
period, additional time shall be requested from the qualifying activity. Manufacturers that are QPL-listed
and have concerns regarding possible changes to retention reporting requirements should contact the
qualifying activity for clarification.
3.31 Disposition of stock. Unless otherwise specified by the qualifying activity and coordinated with
the preparing activity, qualified manufacturers and their selling agents or distributors may ship from stock;
connectors and accessories which were manufactured in accordance with the previous revision of
MIL-DTL-26500 for a period of 18 months from the date of the latest revision, provided that form, fit and
function requirements are not affected.
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.3).
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.4).
4.1.1 Test equipment and inspection facilities. Test and measuring equipment and inspection facilities
of sufficient accuracy, quality and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection shall be
established and maintained by the contractor. The establishment and maintenance of a calibration
system to control the accuracy of the measuring and test equipment shall be in accordance with
4.1.2 QPL system and assembly plants. The manufacturer shall establish a documented quality
program to meet the requirements herein. Evidence of such compliance shall be verified by the qualifying
activity as a prerequisite for qualification and retention of qualification. Assembly plants shall be
approved by the qualifying activity and listed on or approved for listing on the applicable Qualified
Products List (QPL). The qualified connector manufacturer shall certify that the assembly plant is
approved for the distribution of the manufacturer's parts. The assembly plant shall use only piece parts
(i.e. subcomponents such as connector shells and inserts) produced by the qualified connector
manufacturer. No incoming inspection other than visual examination is required of certified piece parts
obtained from the qualified connector manufacturer, except when there is cause for rejection.
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