3.4.2 Contacts. All connectors, except hermetic receptacles, shall be designed to meet the
performance requirements of this specification, using contacts in accordance with SAE-AS39029/31,
SAE-AS39029/55, SAE-AS39029/54, and SAE-AS39029/32. The contact style shall be as designated in
the connector Part or Identifying Number (PIN) and the size as shown on the applicable MS insert
drawing. Two spare contacts shall be provided for each size contact utilized. No spares are required for
shielded contacts. Contact design (hermetics only). Contacts for hermetic receptacles shall be made of suitable
material plated to meet the performance and detail requirements of MS27034, and MS24265 receptacles.
Dimensions shall be as shown on the applicable military standard. Wire marks on the back of the contact
around the "nonfunctional" outside diameter of the wire well caused by electrical contact for plating are
permissible. Contact alignment (pins). The alignment of the pin contact assembled in the connector insert
(either plug or receptacle insert) shall be within .024 inch (0.61 mm) diameter of true position in
accordance with MIL-STD-1554. Contact alignment (pins, hermetics only). The alignment of the Class H pin contact assembled
in the pin insert shall be located within .004 inch (0.10 mm) diameter of true position as specified (see
3.1). Contact alignment (sockets). Socket contacts assembled in the connector insert (either plug
or receptacle) shall be located within .014 inch (0.356 mm) diameter of true position in accordance with
MIL-STD-1554. Contact stability (non-hermetics). A contact location gauge shall be used to inspect for contact
alignment. The stability of the socket contacts shall be such that a side play or displacement of .005 inch
(0.127 mm) minimum and .015 inch (0.381 mm) maximum will be provided when a bending moment is
applied of .25 pound-inch force for a size 20 and a 1.00 pound-inch force for sizes 16 and 12. The
bending moment shall be applied at the engaging end of the socket contact and displacement shall be
measured at the extreme edges of the engagement end. This requirement shall apply to unwired
contacts having sealing plugs and to contacts wired with minimum or maximum size wire.
3.4.3 PIN for sealing plugs. Plug, end seal, sealing plugs, as specified in MS27488, shall be in
accordance with the PINs in table II. At least 15 percent but not less than three spare sealing plugs shall
be provided.
TABLE II. Sealing plug PIN.
Contact size
Superseding PIN
Superseded PIN
22 and 20 (shielding)
3.4.4 Caps. Protective plastic dust caps shall be furnished in place on each end of each plug and
receptacle for protection during shipping, storage, and assembly.
3.4.5 Installation instruction sheet. Except for class H, an installation instruction sheet shall be
furnished and shall specify the proper application, assembly, wiring, mounting, and installation of the
specific plug or receptacle. The paper and printing shall be sulfur free. The manufacturer's name and
address may appear on the instruction sheet.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business