MIL-DTL-26500G Visual examination. Each connector shall be visually examined for completeness,
workmanship, and identification requirements. Attention shall be given to those assemblies that require a
gasket to determine the condition of that gasket. Gaskets missing, twisted, buckled, kinked, or damaged
in any way shall be cause for rejection
4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the applicable tests specified in
table VIII and shall be made on sample units which have been subjected to and have passed the group A
inspection. For group A inspection, the documentation and standard test conditions of EIA-364 do not
TABLE VIII. Group B inspection.
Test method
Contact retention
Dielectric withstanding voltage
Insulation resistance
Visual and mechanical examination Sampling plan. A sample size shall be randomly selected as specified in table IX. If one or
more defects are found, the lot shall be rescreened and defects removed. If one or more defects are
found, a new sample shall be randomly selected from table IX. If one or more defects are found, the lot
shall not be supplied to this specification.
TABLE IX. Sampling plan for group B.
Lot size
Sample size
1 to 13
100 percent
14 to 150
13 units
151 to 280
20 units
281 to 500
29 units
501 to 1200
34 units
1200 to 3200
42 units Lot definition (group B inspection). A production lot is defined as follows:
a. A production lot consists of all connectors covered under one military specification or standard,
manufactured from the specified raw materials, processed under the same specification and
procedures, produced by the same type of equipment, and submitted for inspection at one time.
Each production lot of assembled connectors shall be a group identified by a common
manufacturing record through all significant assembly operations.
b. Common manufacturing records and traceability shall begin with machining and molding and
shall include connector assembly. Traceability of connectors to specific physical/chemical test
reports of incoming raw material is not required. Rejected lots. If an inspection lot is rejected, the contractor may rework it to correct the
defects, or screen out the defective units, and resubmit for reinspection, with sampling in accordance with Such lots shall be separate from new lots, and shall be clearly identified as reinspected lots.
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