MIL-DTL-28804D Localized finish. Contact bodies shall be overall nickel plated in accordance with QQ-N-290, except plating thickness
shall be 50 to 150 microinches (1.27 m - 3.81 m) thick. Contact mating area. The contact mating area, as shown on figure 1, shall be gold-plated (see 3.3.6). Printed wiring tails. Contact wiring tails shall be tin-lead plated in accordance with ASTM B579. Solder dipping shall be
required if stamping leads, providing it meets the procedures and requirements of MIL-STD-202, method 208.
.0 4 3 M A X
(S E E N O T E 5 )
.0 3 0 .0 0 1 D IA M A X
(S IZ E 2 2 )
A R E A "X " (Z O N E O F T A N G E N C Y )
(S E E N O T E 3 )
P O IN T "C " (I.D .) T A N G E N C Y
(S E E N O T E 4 )
1. Dimensions are in inches.
2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only.
3. Localized finish: Apply gold to the inside and outside diameter of the contact in area "X". Measure gold thickness on
outside diameter of the contact at point "C".
4. On socket contacts with integral pressure members, area "X" (zone tangency) extends from the tip of the contact to .020 inch
(0.51 mm) beyond a the point of tangency, point "C" on the outside diameter of the contact.
5. Point at which a square-ended pin of the same basic diameter as the mating contact first engages the socket contact spring.
FIGURE 1. Contact mating area.
3.3.9 Dielectric materials.
3.3.10 Insert. Insert materials shall be thermoplastic polyester in accordance with ASTM PS 2, type GPT-30F.
3.3.11 Grommets and interfacial seals. Materials shall be high grade dielectric having hardness, electrical, and mechanical
characteristics suitable for the purpose intended.
3.3.12 Polarizing and engaging hardware. Polarizing and engaging hardware shall be of high grade corrosion resistant material
or a material treated to resist corrosion which allows the complete connector assembly to meet the requirements of this
3.4 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. Connectors shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions
specified (see 3.1). Connectors shall be designed so that neither the pins nor the sockets will be damaged during normal mating of
counterpart connectors.
3.4.1 Contact design. Contacts shall be as specified on the individual performance specification sheet (see 3.1 and 3.5.1). Printed wiring tails (solder contacts). Printed wiring tails (solder contacts) shall be nonremovable from the insert and
shall have solder post terminals as specified (see 3.1).
3.5 Critical interface requirements.
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