3.5.1 Removable contacts. Removable contacts shall be in accordance with M28804/9 and M28804/10. The inserts shall be
designed to provide positive individual contact retention, and individual contact release from the wire side of the connector, using an
M81969/01-04 tool. The insert design shall permit individual insertion and extraction of contacts without use of a retention ring or
removal of the insert or sealing members. The individual contact retention members shall be surrounded by rigid dielectric
material configured so as to limit their insertion and extraction shall be possible with a full complement of maximum outside
diameter (OD) wire (see table I). Crimp barrels shall be designed to be crimped by a tool conforming to MIL-C-22520/2. Locators
shall be as specified (see 3.1). For indirect shipment, connectors may be ordered without contacts (see 6.2).
TABLE I. Wire sizes and diameters.
Finished wire OD 1/
inch (mm)
size (AWG)
26, 24, 22
.030 (0.76)
.054 (1.37)
1/ Metric equivalent is for reference purposes only.
3.5.2 Insert design and construction. Inserts shall be designed with suitable sections and radii such that they will not readily
chip, crack, or break in assembly or in normal service. Inserts shall be molded or bonded one-piece construction and shall not be
hollowed out for weight saving purposes. Pin entry openings on socket insert faces shall be as small as practicable. Socket inserts
shall provide adequate protection against a pin contacting a socket before the mating pair of connectors has been polarized. The
contact retaining system shall be free of foreign material, adhesive, or any obstruction that would prevent smooth contact insertion
and positive retention.
3.5.3 Insert arrangement. The insert arrangement shall be as indicated in MIL-STD-1632.
3.5.4 Contact alignment and stability. With all contacts in place, the alignment of pin and socket contacts shall always permit
engagement irrespective of buildup of allowable tolerances on hole locations, distortion of contacts due to crimping, and insert
location in the shell.
3.5.5 Polarization. Polarization shall be accomplished by hex keys (see figure 2) and shall be as specified (see 3.1).
Polarization shall be accomplished before engagement of pins and sockets.
3.5.6 Interchangeability. All connectors having the same PIN shall be completely interchangeable with each other with respect
to installation (physical) and performance (function) as specified herein. Solder and crimp contact connectors shall be
intermateable (see 3.1).
3.5.7 Sealing plugs (class E only). Insulated plugs shall be provided for sealing spare contact holes. The plugs shall be in
accordance with MS27488. For indirect shipment, connectors may be ordered without sealing plugs (see 6.2).
3.5.8 Interfacial seal. For classes E and P, a resilient interfacial seal shall be bonded to the pin insert; for class SE, the seal
shall not be bonded.
3.6 Performance. Connectors shall be designed to meet the performance requirements specified herein.
3.6.1 Magnetic permeability. When measured as specified in 4.7.2, the relative permeability of connectors shall not exceed
2 mu.
3.6.2 Maintenance aging (crimp contact connectors only). After testing as specified in 4.7.3, all crimp-contact connectors shall
be capable of conforming to the requirements of 3.6.3 and 3.6.4.
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