MIL-DTL-3650B Sampling plan. A sample of parts shall be randomly selected in accordance with table IV. If
one or more defects are found, the lot shall be screened for that particular defect and defects removed.
After screening and removal of defects, a new sample of parts shall be randomly selected and subjected
to all tests in accordance with table IV. If one or more defects are found in the second sample, the lot
shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification. Group B inspection shall be performed in
any order acceptable to the Government. Disposition of sample units. Sample units, which have passed all the group B inspection shall
be delivered on the contract or order, if the lot is accepted. Action in case of lot rejection. When an inspection lot is rejected on group B inspection, the
supplier shall immediately investigate the cause of failure and take corrective action to assure that
subsequent lots do not contain the same defect or defects.
TABLE IV. Inspection level.
Lot size
Sample size
1 to 90
91 to 150
151 to 280
281 to 500
501 to 1,200
1,201 to 3,200
3,201 to 10,000
10,001 to 35,000
35,001 to over Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in
table V. Sampling plan. Subgroup 1 (unassembled connectors). Six sample units of each type connector shall be
selected from initial production, and then on from each month's production in accordance with table VI. Physical dimensions. To facilitate inspection of the physical dimensions, the sample units
shall be divided into groups of identical piece parts. Inspection of the physical dimensions shall then be
performed on a group-by-group basis. Acceptance criteria. No defects shall be permitted for piece parts. In addition, no defects
shall be permitted for material, plating of metal parts, and screw threads; and no failures shall be
permitted in the gage tests for contacts. Subgroup 2 (assembled connectors). Six sample units of each type connector shall be
selected from initial production, and then on from each month's production in accordance with table VI. If
the number of failures exceeds the applicable acceptance number specified in table VI, the sample shall
be considered to have failed.
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