TABLE I. Dash numbers, cross-reference, and dimensions Continued.
PIN 1/
Applicable cable 2/
Inches (millimeters)
maximum #
Category D Field replaceable Defined piece part 3/ 8/ 13/ 14/
Cable group V
95-RG180 5/ 6/ 7/
1.234 (31.34)
Cable group VIB
60-RG142 5/
128-00001 6/
Cable group VIA
111-RG303 5/ 6/
1/ For cross-reference of PIN to superseded PIN or designation, see table IV.
2/ The latest version of cash cable shall be applicable.
3/ These connectors have captivated center contacts.
4/ The superseded PIN is NOT acceptable for Government use.
5/ Cable to be used for the +200°C temperature cycling tests. This cable can be used for tests with the
approval of the Qualifying Activity.
6/ Cable to be used when performing test requiring cable except as in 5/ and 7/.
7/ These are not 50-ohm cables; therefore, when attached to the specified connectors, VSWR, RF,
Leakage and insertion loss are not applicable.
8/ These connectors are assembled using the applicable crimp tool, to the specified cables stripped as
shown on figure 4.
9/ M22520/5-19 closure B or M22520/5-05 closure A.
M22520/5-11 closure A.
M22520/5-57 closure A.
10/ M22520/5-19 closure A or M22520/5-07 closure A.
M22520/5-13 closure A.
M22520/5-59 closure A.
For Parts Inquires submit RFQ to Parts Hangar, Inc.
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