FIGURE 2. Wiring diagram for contact resistance test.
4.6.5 Dielectric withstanding voltage. Unmated connectors shall be tested in accordance with test
procedure EIA-364-20 (see 3.8). The following details and exceptions shall apply:
a. Magnitude of test voltage - see table II.
b. Nature of potential alternating current.
Points of application of test voltage - Between the two closest contacts and between the
shell and the contacts closest to the shell. Voltage shall not be applied between
grounding contacts or grounding contacts and shells of any grounding, class L
d. Application of test voltage - The test voltages shall be applied gradually at the rate of
approximately 300 volts ac per second until the specified voltage is reached.
4.6.6 Thermal shock (temperature cycling). Unmated connectors shall be tested in accordance with
test procedure EIA-364-32, condition I, 5 cycles, except that the high temperature shall be 125C, +3C -
0C (see 3.9).
4.6.7 Air leakage (see 3.10). Classes C and J connectors. After a minimum of 30 minutes at -55 ± 3 C, classes C and J
receptacles shall be subjected to 30 lbf / in (2.11 kg/cm ) differential applied alternately to each insert
face. The leakage rate shall be measured. Class L connectors. Class L receptacles shall be mounted to a suitable fixture using the
normal mounting method and panel seal. Both class L plugs and receptacles shall be subjected to a
pressure differential of 30 lbf / in (2.11 kg/cm ) with the pressure applied alternately to each insert face.
The leakage rate around the panel seal and through the insert shall be measured.
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