TABLE V. Axial loads for contact retention test, class R.
Contact size
Axial loads pounds (kg)
15 (6.80)
25 (11.34)
35 (15.88)
#1 shielded
30 (13.61)
#2 shielded
45 (20.41)
3.6.21 Altitude immersion. When tested in accordance with 4.7.22, connectors shall maintain an insulation resistance of 5,000
meg-ohms and shall withstand a dielectric withstanding voltage of 1,500 volts rms at sea level, except the withstanding voltage for
shielded contacts shall be 1,000 volts rms between the inner conductor and shield, and closest adjacent shields to shell and shell.
3.7 Marking. Connectors and accessories shall be permanently marked in accordance with MIL-STD-1285 where space permits,
and as indicated below:
a. Complete PIN to be marked shall be as specified (see 3.1).
b. Manufacturer's CAGE code.
c. Manufacturer's date code.
d. Manufacturer's lot code (manufacturer's option).
e. Pin number 1 identifier.
3.7.1 Insert marking. The contact identification and arrangement shall be as specified (see 3.1). Letters or numerals shall be
raised and clearly legible or shall appear in legible contrasting colors. Positioning and arrangement of the numerals shall be such as
to avoid confusion between contacts. Markings shown in applicable specification sheets are for the pin insert front and socket rear.
Socket face and pin rear is opposite tab, as specified. Where space limitations render legibility or proper functioning of the connector
possible, or where such designations may render possible confusion between contacts, contact position designations may be omitted
after the grid pattern has been established.
3.8 Workmanship. Connectors and accessories shall meet all design dimensions and intermateability requirements of this
specification. Loose contacts, poor molding fabrication, damage or improperly assembled contacts, peeling, or chipping of plating or
finish, galling of mated parts, nicks and burrs of metal parts and post-molding warpage shall be considered adequate basis for
rejection of items of quality inferior for the purpose intended.
4.1 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.4).
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.6).
c. Inspection conditions (see 4.4.1).
4.2 Supplier responsibility. The supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein.
Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize their own or any other inspection facilities and services acceptable to the
Government Inspection records of the examination and tests shall be kept complete and available to the Government as specified in
the contract or order. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth; in the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to insure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.2.1 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all inspections shall be performed in accordance with the test conditions
specified in (applicable test method document or applicable paragraph(s) in the specification).
4.2.2 Verification testing. The following identified tests and test methods assure socket integrity within typical operating conditions
and applications. Alternate commercial industry standard test methods are allowed, however when an alternate method is used, the
alternate method must be coordinated with the qualifying activity prior to performance of the test. The test methods described herein
are proven methods and shall be the referee method in cases of dispute.
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