MIL-DTL-27434B Acceptance criteria. The acceptance criteria shall be determined as follows:
For each group of identical piece parts, the number of defects in any one particular dimension
(e.g., a flat washer would have 3 particular dimensions: inside diameter, outside diameter, and
thickness) shall not exceed the applicable acceptance number specified in table VIII.
TABLE VIII. Sample size and acceptance number.
number 1/
Number of connector adapters of a given
Subgroup Subgroup
type produced during a month 2/
500 to 1,000, incl
1/ For subgroup 1, see to, inclusive: for subgroup 2, see
2/ When less than 500 connector adapters of a given type are produced in a month, the
sample shall be taken from 2-month's production. Subgroup 2 (assembled connector adapters). Six sample units of each type connector
adapter shall be selected from initial production. Every 30 days thereafter, sample units shall be selected
from subsequent production in accordance with table VIII. If the number of failure exceeds the
acceptance number specified in table VIII, the sample shall be considered to have failed. Noncompliance. If a sample fails to pass group C inspection, the supplier shall take
corrective action on the materials or process, or both, as warranted, and on all units of product which can
be corrected and which were manufactured under essentially the same conditions, with essentially the
same materials, processes, etc, and which are considered subject to the same failure. Acceptance of the
product shall be discontinued until corrective action, acceptable to the Government, has been taken.
After the corrective action has been taken, group C inspection shall be repeated on additional sample
units (all inspection, or the inspection which the original sample failed, at the option of the Government).
Group A and B inspection may be re-instituted; however, final acceptance shall be withheld until the
group C reinspection has shown that the corrective action was successful. In the event of failure after
reinspection, information concerning the failure and the corrective action taken shall be furnished to the
contracting officer.
4.3.2 Test equipment and inspection facilities. Test equipment and inspection facilities shall be of
sufficient accuracy, reliability, and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection. The supplier
shall establish calibration of inspection equipment to the satisfaction of the Government.
4.4 Methods of examination and test.
4.4.1 Visual and mechanical examination. Connector adapters shall be examined to verify that the
materials, design, construction, physical dimensions, marking and workmanship are in accordance with
the applicable requirements (see 3.1, 3.3.3, incl, 3.8, and 3.9.).
4.4.2 Terminations. Connector adapters shall be examined by use of gages or other means to verify
their conformance with table I. Interface dimensions to be in accordance with MIL-STD-348 unless
otherwise specified in figures 1 and 2 (see 3.3.1).
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