4.6.7 Dielectric withstanding voltage (see 3.10). Wired, unmated connectors shall be tested in
accordance with test procedure EIA 364-20. The following details and exceptions apply:
a. The magnitude of the test voltage shall be as specified in table VIII.
b. The test voltage shall be maintained at the specified value for 2 seconds minimum.
c. The test voltage shall be applied between any pair of contacts and between any contact and
the shell.
TABLE VIII. Test voltages, ac RMS, 60 Hz.
Service rating M
Service rating I
Service rating II
Sea level
4.6.8 Insert retention (see 3.11). Unmated connectors shall be tested in accordance with test
procedure EIA 364-35 with the following details and exceptions:
a. Force to be applied: 100 ± 5 pounds per square inch with a 25 pound minimum force.
b. Connectors may be wired.
4.6.9 Salt spray (corrosion) (see 3.21). Standard test (series I and II, finish A). Unmated connectors shall be tested in accordance
with test procedure EIA 364-26. The following details and exceptions shall apply:
a. Test condition letter: B.
b. The samples shall not be mounted but shall be suspended from the top of the chamber using
waxed twine or string, glass rods, or glass cord.
c. Wire ends must be protected to prevent salt migration. Dynamic test (series I and II, finish B). The wired, assembled plugs and receptacles shall be
mated and unmated 50 cycles at a rate of 300 cycles per hour maximum. The mating and unmating shall
be accomplished so that the plug and receptacle are completely separated during each cycle. The
connectors shall then be subjected to the salt spray test in accordance with test procedure EIA 364-26.
The following details and exceptions apply:
a. The connectors shall be tested for 452 hours mated followed by 48 hours unmated.
b. The connectors shall not be mounted but shall be suspended from the top of the chamber
using waxed twine or string, glass rods, or glass cord.
c. Wire ends must be protected to prevent salt migration.
After the salt spray exposure, the remaining number of durability cycles specified in 4.6.5 shall be
4.6.10 Contact resistance (see 3.13). Contacts or mated connectors shall be tested in accordance
test procedure EIA 364-06.
4.6.11 Electrical engagement (see 3.22). Counterpart plugs and receptacles shall be wired so as to
provide a complete series circuit through all contacts of the mated connector. A suitable power source
and indicator shall be provided such that the earliest point at which the circuit is completed, during normal
connector mating, can be established. Connector halves shall be slowly mated by the normal mating
means until first indication of a completed circuit is observed. Means shall be provided to assure that
electrical contact is made between the pin and the spring of the socket contact, rather than the hood of
the socket contact. The mating operation shall be held at this point and the overall connector length shall
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